
by USE Engineering Corporation



Using Excel at work or school to you.nYou can use this app,nExcel will progress in the "Free".

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------------------------------------------ 概要------------------------------------------『仕事で役立つ表計算の技』は、職場や学校で使えるExcelの技が、200以上収録された無料のスマートフォンアプリです。Excelの初心者~中級者を想定し、現場のプロが"本当に使える技"のみに厳選してお届け。フルカラーの図解入りで、誰でも簡単に技を理解できます。勿論、最新版のエクセル(Excel2013)にも対応。全ての技をマスターすれば、今まで30分かかっていた作業が、たった3分で終わるかもしれません。------------------------------------------ 使い方------------------------------------------▼下記3ステップの簡単操作! 1.参照したい分類を選ぶ 2.参照したい技を選ぶ 3.技を参照------------------------------------------ 特徴------------------------------------------▼どこでも、サッと参照できるオフライン対応で、電波が届かない場所でも、サッと技を参照できます。▼目的の技がすぐに見つかるやりたい事から目的の技を探す、逆引き検索は勿論、フリーワード検索も可能です。▼飽きずにコツコツ学習できる"修得管理機能"で、自分がどれだけ技を学べたか一目でわかります。▼頻繁に使う技はお気に入りへ"お気に入り機能"を使えば、頻繁に使う技をまとめておけます。▼悩める友達へ、気軽に情報提供ライン、ツイッター、フェイスブック、メール等で、友達へ技を伝えられます。▼仕事中でも使えるクールなデザイン職場や学校に馴染むクールなデザインで、TPO問わずお使いいただけます。▼「秘密の裏技」でさらなる高みへ全ての技を修得した方のみ、"秘密の裏技"が閲覧頂けます…------------------------------------------ Overview------------------------------------------"Tricks of the spreadsheet to help at work" is, Excel skills that can be used at work or school, is a free smartphone app that was recorded more than 200.Assuming an Excel beginner to intermediate users, deliver carefully selected only to professional in the field is "tricks really use".In full-color Illustrated, anyone can easily understand the technique.Of course, also supports the latest version of Excel (Excel2013).If the master all the skills, work that used to take 30 minutes now, it might end up in just 3 minutes.------------------------------------------ How to use------------------------------------------▼ the following three-step easy operation!Choose 1. want to see classified2. Select the work you want to seeSee 3. Technical------------------------------------------ Characteristic------------------------------------------▼ anywhere, you can see a quickOffline support, even in places where radio waves do not reach, you can refer to the quick and skill.▼ technique of purpose is found immediatelyFind the work of purpose from the fact that I want to do, reverse lookup, of course, free word search is also possible.▼ can diligently learning to not get tiredIn "learn management function", you can see at a glance whether or learn the tricks yourself how much.▼ technique frequently used is to FavoritesWith the "Favorites function", we put together a technique frequently used.▼ to beleaguered friends, feel free to provide informationLine, Twitter, Facebook, by e-mail, etc., you will be told the tricks to friends.▼ cool design that can be used even during the workIn cool design that adapts to work or school, you can use regardless of TPO.▼ to further heights in the "tricks of the secret"Only those who mastered all the tricks, you can browse the "secret tricks" ...最新のセキュリティポリシーに対応しました